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Agricultural Production Index (Average for Years 1989-1991, 100%) Key Agricultural Exporters of the World (USD billions) Key Agricultural Importers of the World (USD Billions) Production Index of the Food Industry (1995=100%) Consumer Price Index of Foodstuffs (% change per annum) Number of Persons Employed in the Agricultural Sector (Million Persons) Number of Persons Employed in the Agricultural Sector as a Percentage of All Employed Countries of the World with the Highest Proportion of People Employed in the Agricultural Sector (%) Countries of the World with the Lowest Proportion of People Employed in the Agricultural Sector (%) Countries with the Highest Per Capita Agricultural Export (+) or Import (-) Surplus (USD) Countries of the World with the Highest Agricultural Export (+) or Import (-) Surplus (USD Billions) Proportion of Arable Land Size of Irrigated Agricultural Land (Thousand Hectares) Rate and Composition of Fertilizer Use per Hectare of Cropland, Garden, Orchard, and Vineyard (per kg of agent) The world’s fl eet of grain-harvest combines (thousand units) The world’s grain production (thousand tons) The world’s wheat exports (thousand tons) Price of grains on the world market (USD per ton) The world’s wheat production (thousand tons) Average yield of wheat (kg per hectare) The world’s corn production (thousand tons) The world’s riceproduction (thousand tons) Average yield of rice (kg per hectare) The World’s soybean production (thousand tons) The world’s beef cattle stocks (thousand head) The world’s swine stocks (thousand heads) The world’s sheep stocks thousand heads) The world’s fish haul (thousand tons) The world’s egg production (millions) The world’s butter production (thousand tons) The world’s cow’s milk production (thousand tons) The world’s beer production (million hectoliters) The world’s wine production (thousand tons) The world’s sunflower seed production (thousand tons) The world’s sugar beet production (thousand tons) The world’s sugarcane production (thousand tons) The world’s tobacco production (thousand tons) The world’s apple production (thousand tons) The world’s grape production (thousand tons) The world’s fruit production (thousand tons) The world’s vegetable production (thousand tons)


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