The Environmental Issues of EU Accession

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The Environmental Issues of EU Accession
Of the 31 chapters involved in the accession negotiations, No. 22 on environmental protection is considered as one of the so-called “hard core” chapters. In this regard, it means that a large number of requests for transitional exemption are expected to be submitted by the majority of the current candidates, including Hungary. Of course, only a limited number of applications backed by appropriate arguments will be accepted by the European Union, so serious bargaining and the tightening of conditions are expected. A description of the background behind the Hungarian requirements follows below.
First of all, a history of the Community’s regulations and the development of the requirements are examined briefly. Then Hungary’s environmental and nature conservation status and the related statutory and institutional framework are dealt with. Finally, the events directly preceding the accession negotiations and the associated documents are surveyed, and the anticipated impacts of accession on the sector are also evaluated.



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