The Year 2000 in the Light of the Results

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The Year 2000 in the Light of the Results
Accession talks: Apart from the 14 chapters closed, we have come very close to closing another 5 or 6 chapters. We basically now see the 8 to 10 chapters on which we will have to focus our political attention and professional efforts. This requires the establishment of conditions which would allow a political breakthrough on the part of both Hungary and the European Union.
Hungary’s preparations: On the basis of the essentially objective and balanced report published on 8 November, Hungary has a good chance of being granted a place in the first round of accession, no matter when and in what group it should happen. The “finish” is starting now. The problems to be solved are not impossible but are undoubtedly significant in nature. Political forces, the public administration, and public opinion need to join hands, so that we can prove that we are capable of joining the European Union at the very first moment. No changes will be made to our strategy of preparation. Programs which we promised to implement by the end of 2002 are still upheld.
Preparations of the European Union: With the decisions in Nice and the approval of the Nice Treaty, the EU has also fulfilled all the criteria necessary for the start of the enlargement. Naturally, there might be problems arising during the course of the ratification process. It is also probable that there will be attempts to formulate newer and newer indirect preconditions of accession. One might agree that there will not (cannot) be any obstacles on the side of the European Union to start enlargement from the end of 2002.
Accession strategy: If both parties were to be prepared by late 2002, there is just one step left – the conclusion of the accession talks. One of the grandest achievements of the year 2000 is that we are beginning to see the outline of a time-frame (with no deadline given) which perhaps leaves open the issue of starting the enlargement at the beginning of 2003, while already outlining the stages of the route leading there. The “road map” was published on 8 November in the EU’s strategic document on enlargement, and was practically reiterated by the General Affairs Council on 4 December and later at the Nice Summit. This schedule along with all the related instruments (“set aside” category, categorization of requests for temporary derogation) and the work plan of the Swedish presidency, which evidently puts enlargement in the first place, all ensure that the first half of 2001 will be a veritable period of breakthrough.
Thus, the results of the year 2000 can only be assessed later. It remains to be seen if during the course of 2001, these will provide a good basis for a qualitative and quantitative breakthrough during the negotiations and, in parallel with them, the internal preparations. The stakes are high and the challenge is unique. In 2000 we have come closer to the target, but we still cannot discern its precise position. The next 12 months can only bring us closer to answering the most intriguing questions.
Dr. Péter Györkös



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