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2-3 Feb. Under the leadership of Erich Honecker, first secretary of the German Socialist Unity Party, a GDR party and government delegation holds talks in Hungary.
29-31 March The second congress of the agricultural cooperatives held in Budapest elects István Szabó as president of the National Council of Cooperatives TOT.
1 Apr. From this date, compulsory sickness insurance covers small craftsmen, private traders, individual farmers as well as members of the agricultural cooperatives and special agricultural groups.
26 May On the occasion of his 60th birthday, János Kádár, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party, is awarded by the cabinet the title Hero of Socialist Labour, while the presidium of the Supreme Council of the Soviet Union awards him a Lenin Prize.
30 May – 6 June Under the leadership of Fidel Castro, first secretary of the Cuban Communist Party, a Cuban party and government delegation visits Hungary.
20-23 June Indian prime minister Indira Ghandi visits Hungary.
6-7 July The American secretary of state W. Rogers, holds talks in Budapest. They sign a Hungarian-American consular agreement.
16 Aug.-1 Sept. At the 20th summer Olympic games in Munich, Hungarian sportsmen and women win 6 gold, 13 silver and 26 bronze medals.
21 Oct. Pál Losonczi, president of the Presidential Council, and Franz Jonas, president of Austria, hold talks in Sopron and Eisenstadt.
14-15 Nov. The Central Committee of the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party deals with the implementation of the resolutions of the 10th congress and decides on the further tasks, and also adopts resolutions on the guidelines of a 1973 national economic plan and state budget. In essence the resolutions of the Central Committee result in the slowing down of the economic management reform introduced in 1968.



Noviny Arcanum
Noviny Arcanum

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Arcanum Adatbázis Kiadó, popredný poskytovateľ obsahu v Maďarsku, začal svoju činnosť 1. januára 1989. Spoločnosť sa zaoberá hromadnou digitalizáciou kultúrneho obsahu, jeho triedením do databáz a publikovaním.

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Noviny Arcanum

Noviny Arcanum
Zaujíma Vás, čo o tejto téme písali noviny za posledných 250 rokov?
