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26 Jan. The Presidential Committee allows the proper reburial of former Prime Minister Imre Nagy and his companions at the request of family members.
28 Jan. Imre Pozsgay, member of the Hungarian Socialist Workers Party Political Committee deems the events that followed 23 October 1956 a popular insurrection. Declares that the role of Imre Nagy, former Prime Minister, should be reinterpreted. Party and Government leaders agree with his ideas.
9 Febr. The government stand for organizing the Budapest-Vienna Expo.
11 Febr. The Central Committee of the Hungarian Social Workers Party agrees on transition to a multi-party system on its two-day closed session.
20 Febr. The Central Committee of the Hungarian Social Workers Party approves the new Constitution, whereby the party waives its claim to have its leading position set out in the new basic law.
22 March The Opposition Round Table is formed in Budapest.
30 March According to information released by the Central Committee of the Hungarian Social Workers Party, 120 thousand members left and 20 thousand new members joined the party over the last 18 months.
4 Apr. At least 150 thousand Hungarian tourists went shopping to Austria on this holiday – formerly the holiday of liberation from German occupation.
26 Apr. Prime Minister Miklós Németh presents his proposals on government transformation to the Presidential Committee. Recommends Foreign Ministry State Secretary Gyula Horn for Foreign Minister, Deputy Minister of Finance László Békési for Minister of Finance, and the Director of the Historical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Ferenc Glatz for Minister of Culture.
8 May János Kádár is relieved from his position as Party President and his membership in the Central Committee by the Central Committee of the Hungarian Social Workers Party on its closed session. The Reform Circle of the Hungarian Social Workers Party urges further personnel changes.
29 May After the closed session of the Central Committee of the Hungarian Social Workers Party, the Party spokesman declares that Imre Nagy was executed unlawfully.
14 June Imre Nagy is deemed an eminent statesman in a statement issued by the Executive Council. Minister of Justice Kálmán Kulcsár announces the law on the rehabilitation of persons innocently convicted after the 1956 popular insurrection is already in the making. Károly Grósz acknowledges at a meeting that there are power struggles going on among the senior leadership of the Hungarian Socialist Workers Party.
16 June The remains of Imre Nagy, Géza Losonczy, Pál Maléter and József Szilágyi are finally laid to rest at a new wing of the Rákoskeresztúr Cemetery and the names of 235 executed are read out. Nearly 250 thousand lay flowers at the bier set up at Heroes’ Square.
24 June Rezső Nyers elected party president by the Central Committee of the Hungarian Social Workers Party.
27 June Mark Palmer, U.S. Ambassador to Budapest meets with representatives of the Opposition Round Table organizations.
6 July Death of János Kádár. Funeral on 14 July.
11 July U. S. President George Bush in Budapest.
18 July According to official data from Bonn, at least sixty East German nationals have entered Austria through Hungary since the demolition of the “Iron Curtain” along the Austro-Hungarian border has been commenced.
14 Aug. The Embassy of the Federal republic of Germany in Budapest is closed temporarily as they are no longer capable of processing the East Germans intending to defect. Hundreds wait outside the Embassy. Hungary negotiates with Berlin on a humanitarian solution.
25 Aug. Prime Minister Miklós Németh and Foreign Minister Gyula Horn negotiate in Bonn about the East German refugees in Hungary.
1 Sept. The Csillebérc Pioneer Camp in Budapest is filled to capacity with 2.5 thousand East Germans, so new arrivals are taken to Zánka by bus.
10 Sept. The Hungarian Government decides to allow East German citizens to emigrate to a third country. As the refugee situation becomes untenable, the relevant agreement signed in 1969 with the German Democratic Republic is temporarily suspended by the Government. Approximately 6.5 thousand East German refugees enter Austria from the country by the afternoon of the following day.
29 Sept. Gyula Horn discusses the case of the East German refugees in New York with the GDR foreign minister. The number of GDR citizens defecting to the Federal Republic of Germany through Hungary has grown to 35 thousand by early October.
7 Oct. The successor to the Hungarian Socialist Workers Party, the Hungarian Socialist Party is founded. Rezső Nyers is elected Party President.
23 Oct. Mátyás Szűrös, provisional Prime Minister proclaims the Republic of Hungary from the Parliament’s balcony on the anniversary of the 1956 revolution.
26 Nov. A referendum is held in which the public
votes to dissolve the Workers’ Guard, eliminate workplace party organizations, hold the Hungarian Socialist Workers Party accountable and to elect the President of the Republic by Parliamentary ballot. Fifty eight per cent of those of voting age vote in the national referendum.
29 Nov. The bill on supporting Poland and Hungary is signed by the President of the United States.



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Arcanum Adatbázis Kiadó, popredný poskytovateľ obsahu v Maďarsku, začal svoju činnosť 1. januára 1989. Spoločnosť sa zaoberá hromadnou digitalizáciou kultúrneho obsahu, jeho triedením do databáz a publikovaním.

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Noviny Arcanum

Noviny Arcanum
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