The Character of the Armament of the Imperial-Royal Army in Hungary in the Time of the Fifteen Years War

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The Character of the Armament of the Imperial-Royal Army in Hungary in the Time of the Fifteen Years War
This study examines the role of the small arms in the military revolution. A number of historical and experimental data proves that the 16th century firearms/small arms were very effective and of great fire-power. Their quick diffusion in great quantities, accelerated by profound economical and social changes of the century, transformed the warfare completely: the really revolutionary feature was the use of firearms/small arms en masse.
Through the examination of the armament of the Western European troops of the Fifteen Years War in Hungary the study states that in the last third of the 16th century the up-to-date tactics of the age, depending an the mass fire of small arms, crossed the frontiers of the Western regions of Europe and it was practized an the battlefields in Hungary, too.



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