372. Budapest, 1848 november 29. Kossuth felkéri Stiles amerikai követet, hogy kísérelje meg fegyverszünet közvetítését a szemben…

Teljes szövegű keresés

Budapest, 1848 november 29.
Kossuth felkéri Stiles amerikai követet, hogy kísérelje meg fegyverszünet közvetítését a szembenálló seregek között.
Csányi Bécsben tartózkodó megbízottja, Ullmann Bernát hívta fel Kossuthék figyelmét arra, hogy Stiles amerikai követ hajlandó lenne fegyverszünet közvetítésére a szembenálló felek között. * Kossuth késznek mutatkozott a kísérlet megtételére és Csányin, valamint Ullmannon keresztül az alábbi felhatalmazó levelet juttatta el Stileshez:
V. ö. Csányi nov. 26-i levelével és a hozzá mellékelt Ullmann-levéllel. (568. l.)
Pesth, November 29, 1848.
Informed of your not being unwilling to negotiate a truce between Auscria and Hungary in the interest of humanity, we gladly avail ourselves of this opportunity to call upon the feelings of justice of the representant of the United States, inviting you to initiate the negotiation of an armistice for this winter between the two armies standing on the frontiers of Austria and Hungary, and so to stop the calamities of a war so fatal to the interests of both countries.
Accept, likewise, the sincere assurance of our feeling most happy at every occassion which brings us in friendly intercourse with the United States those natural supporters of freedom and civilization.
The State Secretary
The President of Committee of Defense,
Francis Pulszky
L. Kossuth
Stiles W. H.: Austria in 1848–49. Vol. II. New-York, 1852: 404 l.
Magyarul közli – Stiles két válaszával együtt – Deák Imre: A szabadságharc története levelekben, 280. s. köv. l.
Stiles dec. 2-án válaszolt Kossuthnak. Levelében közölte, hogy szívesen vállalja a közvetítést, sőt a levél vétele után azonnal felkereste előbb Schwarzenberg külügyminisztert, majd Windischgrätz fővezért, azonban mindkettő Olmützben van. Windischgrätz visszaérkezése minden órában várható, ha megjön, újból fel fogja keresni, nem jósol azonban sok sikert, mer egyrészt Ausztria belháborúnak fogja fel a kérdést és külső közvetítést nem fogad el, másrészt az előkészületek a háborúra már olyan méretűek, hogy az elodázás aligha lehetséges. Mégis az emberiesség érdekében mindent meg fog tenni, hogy Ausztriát és Magyarországot kibékítse. A levél teljes szövege a következőképpen hangzik:
Vienna, December 2, 1848.
Sir, – Your communication bearing date Pesth, November 29, 1848, and desiring me, for the interest of »humanity« and »to stop the calamities of a war so fatal to both countries« to endeavor »to negotiate a truce between Austria and Hungary«, was this evening received.
Aware of the importance of time in the matter, I proceeded, immediately after perusing your note, to the residence of Prince Schwartzenberg, Imperial Minister of Foreign Affairs, but found th at he was absent at Olmütz. I then drove out to Schönbrunn, the head-quarters of Prince Windischgrätz, and was informed that he, also, had gone to Olmütz. I shall at once adress Prince Schwartzenberg upon the subjéct of your connnunication, and upon the return of Prince Windischgrätz (who is hourly expected here), shall seek, at the earliest moment, a personal interview with him; but in the mean time, as the matter is attended with great difficulties arising from the facts, first, that the controversy is a domestic one, and Austria may consequently, be un willing to pormit of any forelgn interference; and second, that as the preparations for the attack of Hungary on the part of the imperial government are said to be very extensive, and any delay in their operations the may conceive detrimental to their interests, I can hold out to you but little hopes of success in obtaining the desired annistice. For the cause of humanity, however, and to prevent the useless effusion of blood, the only grounds upon which I can consent to take any step toward opening the door of reconcihation between Austria and Hungary, and by which the difficulties which now unhappily distract the two countries may be adjusted between themselves, you may rest assured that no exertion on my part shall be spared which may be calculated to effect so desirable an object.
I have the honor to be your obedient servant,
William H. Stiles,
Chargé d'affaires of the United States of America.
Stiles W. H.: Austria in 1848–49. Vol. II. New-York, 1852. 404–405 l.
Másnap, dec. 3-án újabb levelet írt Stiles. Ebben közölte Kossuthtal, hogy ígéretéhez képest, Windischgrätzet azonnal visszatérése után felkereste és előadta szándékát. Windischgrätz azonban azt válaszolta, hogy ő teljesíteni fogja a császár parancsát, meg fogja szállni Magyarországot s azután teljesedni fog a császár akarata. A magyarok lázadók, velük nem tárgyal, meg kell adniuk magukat. Stiles végül sajnálkozását fejezte ki az eredménytelen próbálkozás fölött s utóiratban közölte Kossuthtal a december 2-i olmützi tróncsere hírét. Stiles második levele az alábbi volt
Vienna, December 3, 1848.
Sir, – In my note of last evening, I advised you that Prince Windischgrätz was absent from Vienna, but that I would embrace the earliest opportunity, after his return, of having an interview with him upon the subject of your communication. Informed this morning of the arrival of the prince, I immediately repaired to Schönbrunn, had an interview with his highness, and have just returned. I opened to him the subject of your communication; stated the difficulty which I understood the Hungarians had labored under in bringing their views to the knowledge of the government, now that all conununication between the two countries was cut off, and the ground upon which you had appealed to me for my interference. He received me with the utmost kindness, thanked me for my efforts toward reconciling the existing difficulties; but replied, in substance, as follows: »I can do nothing in the matter;« »I must obey the orders of the emperor.« »Hungary must submit.« »I will occupy Pesth with my troops, and then the emperor will decide what is to be done.« »I have received orders to occupy Hungary, and I hope to accomplish this end – I can not, therefore, enter into any negotiations.« I can not consent to treat with those who are in a state of rebellion.« He deplored the necessity which compelled him to move against Hungary; recited the forbearance which had distinguished his course of the recapture of Vienna, and added that similar motives would govern his future conduct. Nothing further of importance occured during the interview, except that, in reply to a statement which I made to the effect that the Hungarians had attempted previously, as I had understood, an arrangement of their differences with the imperial government, he replied that it was the first application of the kind which had come to his knowledge.
Unwilling to detain longer the person who awaits this answer, and begging you to be assured of the deep regret which I feel at the unsuccessful result of my efforts to bring about the pacification of the two countries.
I have the honor to be your obedient servant,
William H. Stiles
Chargé d'affaires of the Unites States of America.
P. S. It will not be uninteresting to you to learn that the Emperor Ferdinand has abdicated the throne in favor of his nephew; that the Archduke Francis Charles has renounced his right of succession; and that the Archduke Francis Joseph has been proclaimed. Emperor of Austria. under the name of Francis Joseph I.
Stiles W. H.: Austria in 1848–49.
Vol. II. New-York, 1852. 405. l.



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