From 1990 to date

Teljes szövegű keresés

From 1990 to date
Legislative boom as a result of democratic control. Intent to realize principle of the “citizen in uniform.” Amendments to the Constitution, new military doctrines, a new Act on National Defence in 1993 and, by 1996, the Act on the service of professionals in the armed forces’ is drafted and the status of students in military education institutes is settled. A series of government and parliamentary decisions characterize the long reform process. In addition to legislation, dozens of ministerial orders and approximately three thousand orders by chiefs are issued in order to set standards. Some of these are already out of date.



Arcanum Újságok
Arcanum Újságok

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Az Arcanum Adatbázis Kiadó Magyarország vezető tartalomszolgáltatója, 1989. január elsején kezdte meg működését. A cég kulturális tartalmak nagy tömegű digitalizálásával, adatbázisokba rendezésével és publikálásával foglalkozik.

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Arcanum Újságok

Arcanum Újságok
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