Folyóirat-közlemények* és könyvfejezetek

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Folyóirat-közlemények* és könyvfejezetek
Az 1941 előtt publikált közlemények az eredeti, Schimert, családi névvel jelentek meg.
1. SCHIMERT, J. (1935) Die Markscheidenbildung in den vegetativen Nerven. Z. Mikr. Anat: Forsch. 37:581–594.
2. SCHIMERT, J. (1935) La myelinisation des fibres vegetatives et somatiques chez le chat. C. R. Assoc. Anat. 452–455.
3. SCHIMERT, J. (1936) Der Nervus intermedius und das Ganglion geniculi nervi facialis. Z. Mikr. Anat. Forsch. 39:35–44.
4. SCHIMERT, J. (1936) Die sekundäre Degeneration der Endbäumchen und Kollateralen im Zentralnervensystem. Verh. Anat. Ges. 87:312–319.
5. SCHIMERT, J. (1936) Untersuchungen über den Ursprung und die Endausbreitung der Nerven der Iris. Z. Zellforsch. 25:247–258.
6. SCHIMERT, J. (1937) Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die transneuronale Degeneration. Verh. Anat. Ges. 83:148–152.
7. SCHIMERT, J. (1937) Die Nervenversorgung des Myokards. Z. Zellforsch. 27:246–266.
8. SCHIMERT, J. (1937) Transplantation sympathischer Ganglien. Verh. Anat. Ges. 85:173–181.
9. SCHIMERT, J. (1938) Die Endigungsweise des Trarctus vestibulospinalis. Z. Anat. Entwickl. Gesch. 108:761–767.
10. SCHIMERT, J. (1938) Die „syncytielle Natur” des vegetativen Nervensystems. Z. Mikr. Anat. Forsch. 44:85–118.
11. SCHIMERT, J. (1939) Das Verhalten der Hinterwurzelkollateralen im Rückenmark. Z. Anat. Entwickl. Geseh. 109:665–687.
12. SCHIMERT, J. (1940) Die Bedeutung des Fasernkalibers und der Markscheidendicke im Zentralnervensystem. Z. Anat. Entwickl. Gesch. 170:201–223.
13. SZENTÁGOTHAI-SCHIMERT, J. (1941), Die Endigungsweise der absteigenden Rückenmarksbahnen. Z. Anat. Entwickl. Gesch. 111:322–330.
14. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1942) Die innere Gliederung des Oculomotoriuskernes. Arch. Psychiatr. 115:127–135.
15. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1942) Die centrale Leitungsbahn des Lichtreflexes der Pupillen. Arch. Psychiatr. 115:136–356.
16. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1943) Die Lokalisation der Kehlkopfmuskeln in den Vaguskernen. Z. Anat. Entwickl. Gesch. 112:704–710.
17. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1943) Die zentrale Innervation der Augenbewegungen. Arch. Psychiatr. 116:721–760.
18. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1948) The representation of facial and scalp musdes in the facial nucleus. J. Comp. Neurol. 88:207–220.
19. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1948) Anatomical considerations of monosynaptic reflex arcs. J. Neurophysiol. 11:445–454.
20. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1949) Functional representation in the motor trigeminal nucleus. J. Comp. Neurol. 90:111–120.
21. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1950) The elementary vestibuloocular reflex arc. J. Neurophysiol. 13:395–407.
22. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. and T. KISS (1949) Projections of dermatomes on the substantia gelatinosa. Arch. Neurol. Psychiat. 62:734–744.
23. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1950) Recherches experimentales sur les vois oculogyres. Semaine des Hôpitaux. 26:2989–2995.
24. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1951) Short propriospinal neurons and intrinsic connections of the spinal grey matter. Acta Morph. Acad. Sci. Hung. 1:81–94.
25. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1952) The general visceral efferent column of the brain stem. Acta Morph. Acad. Sci. Hung. 2:314–328.
26. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. and A. ALBERT (1955) The synaptology of Clarke’s column. Acta Morph. Acad. Sci. Hung. 5:43–51.
27. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. and K. RAJKOVITS (1955) Die Rückwirkung der spezifischen Funktion auf die Struktur der Nervenelemente. Acta Morph. Acad. Sci. Hung. 5:253–274.
28. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J., K. RAJKOVITS and A. DONHOFFER (1954–1955) Die Lokalisation der Cholinesterase in der interneuronalen Synapse. Acta Histochemica. 1:272–281.
29. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. and G. SZÉKELY (1956) Zum Problem der Kreuzung von Nervenbahnen. Acta Biol. Acad. Sci. Hung. 6:215–229.
30. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. and R. SCHÁB (1956) A midbrain inhibitory mechanism of oculomotor activity. Acta Physiol. Acad. Sci. Hung. 9:89–97.
31. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. and G. SZÉKELY (1956) Elementary nervous mechanisms underlying optokinetic responses. Acta Physiol. Acad. Sci. Hung. 10:43–55.
32. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1957) Einige Bemerkungen zur Struktur der peripherischen Endausbreitung vegetativer Nerven. Acta Neuroveg. 15:417–445.
33. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1957) Zum elementaren Bau der interneuronalen Synapse. Acta Anat. 30:827–841.
34. FLERKÓ, B. and J. SZENTÁGOTHAI (1957) Oestrogen sensitive nervous structures in the hypothalamus. Acta Endocrinologica 26:121–127.
35. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1958) Die Rolle diencephaler Mechanismen bei der Rückwirkung von Schilddrüsen-, Nebennierenrinden- und Sexualhormonen auf die Funktion des Hypophysenvorderlappens. In S. B. Curri, L. Martini, and W. Kovac (eds): Pathologica Diencephalica. Springer, Wien, pp. 560–574.
36. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1958) The anatomical basis of synaptic transmission of excitation and inhibition in motoneurons. Acta Morph. Acad. Sci. Hung. 8:287–309.
37. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. and K. RAJKOVITS (1958) Der Hirnnervenanteil der Pyramidenbahn und der praemotorische Apparat motorischer Hirnnervenkerne. Arch. Psychiatr. u. Z. Ges. Neurol. 97:335–354.
38. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. und K. RAJKOVITS (1959) Über den Ursprung der Kletterfasern des Kleinhirns. Z. Anat. Entwickl. Gesch. 121:130–141.
39. HALÁSZ, B. und J. SZENTÁGOTHAI (1959) Histologischer Beweis einer nervösen Signalübermittlung von der Nebennierenrinde zum Hypothalamus. Z. Zellforsch. 50:297–306.
40. HALÁSZ, B. und J. SZENTÁGOTHAI (1960) Control of adrenocorticotrophic function by direct influence of pituitary substance on the hypothalamus. Acta Morph. Acad. Sci. Hung. 9:251–261.
41. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1961) Anatomical aspects of inhibitory pathways and synapses. In F. Florey (ed): Nervous Inhibition. Oxford, Pergamon Press., pp. 32–45.
42. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1961) Somatotopic arrangement of synapses of primary sensory neurons in Clarke’s column. Acta Morph. Acad. Sci. Hung. 10:307–311.
43. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1961) Specificity and plasticity of neural structures and functions. In. M. A. B. Brazier (ed): Brain and Behavior. Washington, D. C., Amer. Inst. Biol. Sci., pp. 49–66.
44. SZÉKELY, G. and J. SZENTÁGOTHAI (1962) Experiments with „model nervous systems”. Acta Biol. Acad. Sci. Hung. 12:253–369.
45. SZÉKELY, G. and J. SZENTÁGOTHAI (1962) Reflex and behavior patterns elicited from supernumerary limbs in the chick. J. Embryol. Exp. Morph. 10:140–151.
46. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1962) On the synaptology of the cerebral cortex. In S. A. Sarkissov (ed): Structure and Function of the Nervous System. Moscow, Medgiz, pp. 6–14.
47. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1962) Anatomical aspects of functional transformation. In R. W. Gerard, and J. W. Duyff (eds): Information Processing in the Nervous System, Vol. 3, Proc. Int. Union Physiol. Sci. Amsterdam, Excerpta Medica Foundation, Int. Congr. Ser. 49, pp. 119–136.
48. SZENTÁGOTHAI J. (1963) The structure of the synapse in the lateral geniculate body. Acta Anat. 55:166–185.
49. HÁMORI, J. and J. SZENTÁGOTHAI (1964) The „crossing-over” synapse: An electron microscope study of the molecular layer in the cerebellar cortex. Acta Biol. Acad. Sci. Hung. 15:95–117.
50. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1964) Pathways and synaptic articulation patterns connecting vestibular receptors and oculomotor nuclei. In M. B. Bender (ed): The Oculomotor System. New York, Hoeber Medical Div., pp. 205–223.
51. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1964) The structure of the autonomic interneuronal synapse. Acta Neuroveg. (Wien) 26:338–359.
52. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1964) The parvicellular neurosecretory system. Progr. Brain Res. 5:135–146.
53. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1964) Propriospinal pathways and their synapses. Progr. Brain Res. 11:155–177.
54. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1964) Regulation des endokrinen System über Hypothalamus. – Die Nervenphysiologie in gegenwärtiger Sicht. Nova Acta Leopoldina 227–278.
55. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1965) The use of degeneration methods in the investigation of short neuronal connections. Progr. Brain Res. 14:1–32.
56. MAJOROSSY, K., M. RÉTHELYI and J. SZENTÁGOTHAI (1965) The large glomerular synapse of the pulvinar. J. Hirnforsch. 7:415–432.
57. HÁMORI, J. and J. SZENTÁGOTHAI (1965) The Purkinje cell baskets: Ultrastructure of an inhibitory synapse. Acta Biol. Acad. Sci. Hung. 15:465–479.
58. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1965) The synapse of short local neurons in the cerebral cortex. In J. Szentágothai (ed): Modern Trend in Neuromorphology. Bp., Akadémiai Kiadó, pp. 251–276.
59. HÁMORI, J. and J. SZENTÁGOTHAI (1966) Identification under the electron microscope of climbing fibers and their synaptic contacts. Exp. Brain Res. 1:65–81.
60. HÁMORI, J. and J. SZENTÁGOTHAI (1966) Participation of Golgi neuron processes in the cerebellar glomeruli: An electron microscope study. Exp. Brain Res. 2:35–48.
61. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J., J. HÁMORI and T. TÖMBÖL (1966) Degeneration and electron microscope analysis of the synaptic glomeruli itt the lateral geniculate body. Exp. Brain Res. 2:283–301.
62. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1967) Synaptic architecture of the spinal motoneuron pool. In L. Widen (ed): Recent Advances in Clinical Neurophysiology. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. Suppl. 25, Amsterdam, Elsevier, pp. 4–19.
63. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1967) The anatomy of complex integrative units in the nervous system. In K. Lissák (ed): Results in Neuroanatomy, Neurochemistry, Neuropharmacology and Neurophysiology. Bp., Akadémiai Kiadó, pp. 9–45.
64. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1967) Models in specific neuron arrays in thalamic relay nuclei. Acta Morph. Acad. Sci. Hung. 15:113–124.
65. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1967) Technical problems in the study of neuron networks. In J. Salánki (ed): Symposium on Neurobiology of Invertebrates. Bp., Akadémiai Kiadó, pp. 17–25.
66. HÁMORI, J. and J. SZENTÁGOTHAI, (1967) Identification of synapses formed in the cerebellar cortex by Purkinje axon collaterals: An electron microscope study. Exp. Brain Res. 5:118–128.
67. HALÁSZ, B., M. RÉTHELYI and J. SZENTÁGOTHAI (1968) Examen électromicroscopique sur l’éminence médiane isolée (désafferentée neuralement). Arch. Anat. (Strasbourg) 51:289–298.
68. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1968) Growth of the nervous system: An introductory survey. In G. E. W. Wolstenholme, and M. O’Connor (eds): Growth of the Nervous System. A Ciba Foundation Symposium. London, Churchill, pp. 3–12.
69. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1968) Structuro-functional considerations of the cerebellar neuron network. Proc. IEEE 56:960–968.
70. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1968) Synaptic structure and the concept of presynaptic inhibition. In C. von Euler, S. Skoglund, and U. Soderberg (eds): Structure and Function of Inhibitory Neuronal Mechanisms. Oxford, Pergamon Press, pp. 15–31.
71. RÉTHELYI, M. and J. SZENTÁGOTHAI, (1969) The large synaptic complexes of the substantia gelatinosa. Exp. Brain Res 7:258–274.
72. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1969) The synaptic architecture of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal neuron systems. Acta Neurol. Belg. 69:453–568.
73. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. and J. HÁMORI (1969) Growth and differentiation of synaptic structures under circumstances of functional deprivation and of lack in distant connections. In S. H. Barondes (ed): Symp. Int. Soc. Cell Biol., Vol. 8, New York, Academic Press, pp. 301–320.
74. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1969) Architecture of the cerebral cortex. In H. H. Jasper, A. A. Ward, and A. Pope (eds): Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies. Boston, Little, Brown and Co., pp. 13–28.
75. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1970) The morphological identification of the active synaptic region: Aspects of general arrangement of geometry and topology. In P. Andersen, and J. K. S. Jansen (eds): Excitatory Synaptic Mechanisms. Oslo, Universitetsvorlaget, pp. 9–26.
76. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1970) Glomerular synapses, complex synaptic arrangements and their operational significance. In F. O. Schmitt (ed): The Neurosciences: Second Study Program. New York, The Rockefeller University Press, pp. 427–443.
77. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1971) Structuro-functional relationships in inhibitory synapses. In F. Clementi and B. Ceccarelli (eds): Advances in cytopharmacology. New York, Raven Press, pp. 401–417.
78. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1971) Memory functions and the structural organization of the brain. In G. Adam (ed): Biology of Memory. Bp., Akadémiai Kiadó, pp. 21–34.
79. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1970) Les circuits neuronaux de l’écorce cerebrale. Buletin de l’Académie Royale de Médecine de Belgique. Série 7 10:475–492.
80. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1971) Some geometrical concepts of the neocortical neuropil. Acta Biol. Acad. Sci. Hung. 22:107–124.
81. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. and A. PELLIONISZ (1971) The neuron network of the cerebellar cortex, an attempt at its modeling by computer simulation. In E. Broda, A. Locker, and H. Springer-Lederer (eds): Biophysics of Cells and Organs. Wien, Verl. Wiener Medizinischen Akademie, pp. 291–294.
82. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1972) The basic neuronal circuit of the neocortex. In H. Petsche, and M. A. B. Brazier (eds): Synchronization of EEG Activity in Epilepsies. Wien-New York, Springer-Verlag, pp. 9–24.
83. PALKOVITS, M., P. MAGYAR and J. SZENTÁGOTHAI (1971) Quantitative histological analysis of the cerebellar cortex in the cat. I. Number and arrangement in space of the Purkinje cells. Brain Res. 32:1–13.
84. PALKOVITS, M., P. MAGYAR and J. SZENTÁGOTHAI (1971) Quantitative histological analysis of the cerebellar cortex in the cat. II. Cell numbers and densities in the granular layer. Brain Res. 32:15–30.
85. PALKOVITS, M., P. MAGYAR and J. SZENTÁGOTHAI (1971) Quantitative histological analysis of the cerebellar cortex in the cat. III. Structural organization of the molecular layer. Brain Res. 34:1–18.
86. PALKOVITS, M., P. MAGYAR and J. SZENTÁGOTHAI (1972) Quantitative histological analysis of the cerebellar cortex in the cat. IV. Mossy fiber-Purkinje cell numerical transfer. Brain Res. 45:15–29.
87. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1972) Lateral geniculate body structure and eye movement. In J. Dichgans, and E. Bizzi (eds): Cerebral Control of Eye Movements and Motion Perception. Basel, Karger, pp. 178–188.
88. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1973) Neuronal and synaptic architecture of the lateral geniculate body. In R. Jung (ed): Handbook of Sensory Physiology, VII/3B. Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, pp. 141–176.
89. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1973) Synaptology of the visual cortex. In R. Jung (ed): Handbook of Sensory Physiology, VII/3B. Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, pp. 269–324.
90. RÉTHELYI, M. and J. SZENTÁGOTHAI, (1973) Distribution and connections of afferent fibers in the spinal cord. In A. Iggo (ed): Handbook of Sensory Physiology II. Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, pp. 207–252.
91. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. and M. RÉTHELYI (1973) Cyto- and neuropil architecture of the spinal cord. In J. E. Desmedt (ed): New Developments in Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology. Basel, Karger, pp. 20–36.
92. PELLIONISZ, A. and J. SZENTÁGOTHAI (1973) Dynamic single unit simulation of a realistic cerebellar network model. Brain Res. 49:83–99.
93. PELLIONISZ, A. and J. SZENTÁGOTHAI (1973) Dynamic single unit simulation of a realistic cerebellar network model. II. Purkinje cell activity within the basic circuit and modified by inhibitory systems. Brain Res. 68:19–40.
94. PELLIONISZ, A., M. PALKOVITS, J. HÁMORI, E PINTÉR and J. SZENTÁGOTHAI (1973) Quantitative comparison of the cerebellar synaptic organization of immobilized and normal kittens. Proc. IV. Intern. Biophysic. Congr. Moscow, pp. 81–84.
95. PASIK, P., T. PASIK, J. HÁMORI and J. SZENTÁGOTHAI (1973) Golgi type interneurons in the neuronal circuit of the monkey lateral geniculare nucleus. Exp. Brain Res. 17:18–34.
96. HÁMORI, J., T. PASIK, P. PASIK and J. SZENTÁGOTHAI (1974) Triadic synaptic arrangements and their possible significance in the lateral geniculate nucleus of the monkey. Brain Res. 80:379–393.
97. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. and M. A. ARBIB (1974) Conceptual models of neural organization. Neurosci. Res. Progr. Bull. 12:307–510.
98. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1974) The contribution of Morris B. Bender to the study of the oculomotor system. The Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine 41:224–229.
99. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1975) From the last skirmishes around the neuron theory to the functional anatomy of neuron networks. In F. G. Worden et al. (eds): The Neurosciences: Paths of Discovery. Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press, pp. 103–120.
100. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1975) What the „Reazione Nera” has given to us. In M. Santini (ed): Golgi Centennial Symposium. Perspectives in Neurobiology. New York, Raven Press, pp. 1–12.
101. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1975) Biomedical sciences. In T. Erdei-Gruz, and K. Kulcsár (eds): Science and Scholarship in Hungary. Bp., Corvina Press, pp. 98–120.
102. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1975) The „module concept” in cerebral cortex architecture. Brain Res. 95:475–496.
103. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1975) Putative inhibitory interneurons of the neocortex. In T. N. Oniani (ed): Brain Mechanisms. Tbilisi, Metsniereba Publishers, pp. 469–477.
104. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1975) Under the spell of the hypothalamic feedback. In j. Meites, B. T. Donovan, and S. M. McCann (eds): Pioneers in Neuroendocrinology. New York–London, Plenum Press, pp. 297–311.
105. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1976) Die Neuronenschaltungen der Grosshirnrinde. Verh. Anat. Ges. 70:187–275.
106. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1976) Basic circuit of the neocortex. Exp. Brain Res. 1(Suppl):282–287.
107. AMBACH, G., M. PALKOVITS and J. SZENTÁGOTHAI, (1976) Blood supply of the rat hypothalamus. IV. Retrochiasmatic area, median eminence, and arcuate nucleus. Acta Morph. Acad. Sci. Hung. 24:93–119.
108. PALKOVITS, M., E. MEZEY, J. HÁMORI and J. SZENTÁGOTHAI, (1977) Quantitative histological analysis of the cerebellar nuclei in the cat. I. Numerical data on cells and on synapses. Exp. Brain Res. 28:189–209.
109. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1977) Introductory remarks. In J. Szentágothai, J. Hámori and E. S. Vizi (eds): Neuron Concept Today. Bp., Akadémiai Kiadó.
110. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1977) Der moduläre Bau nervöser Zentralorgane und dessen funktionelle Bedeutung. In G.-H. Schumacher und G. Geyer (eds): Ergebn. Exp. Med. Berlin, VEB Verlag Volk u. Gesundheit, pp. 61–78.
111. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1978) Specificity versus (quasi-) randomness in cortical connectivity. In M. A. B. Brazier., and H. Petsche (eds): Architectonics of the Cerebral Cortex. New York, Raven Press, pp. 77–97.
112. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1978) The neuron network of the cerebral cortex: A functional interpretation. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 201:219–248.
113. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1978) The local neuronal apparatus of the cerebral cortex. In P. A. Buser and A. Rougeul-Buser (eds): Cerebral Correlates of Consciuous Experience. INSERM Symp. No. 6. Amsterdam, Elsevier/North-Holland Biomed. Press, pp. 131–138.
114. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1979) Egységes agyelmélet: utópia vagy realitás. Magyar Tudomány 8/9:601–616.
115. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1979) Local neuroncircuits of the neocortex. In F. O. Schmitt and F. G. Worden (eds): The Neurosciences: Fourth Study Program. Cambridge, Mass. and London, The MIT Press, pp. 399–415.
116. HÁMORI, J. and J. SZENTÁGOTHAI, (1980) Lack of evidence of synaptic contacts by climbing fibre collaterals to basket and stellate cells in developing rat cerebellar cortex. Brain Res. 186:454–457.
117. MAKARA, G. B., M. PALKOVITS and J. SZENTÁGOTHAI, (1980) The endocrine hypothalamus and the hormonal response to stress. In H. Selye (ed): Selye’s Guide to Stress Research. New York, van Norstand Reinhold Co., pp. 280–337.
118. HÁMORI, J., E. MEZEY and J. SZENTÁGOTHAI (1981) Electron microscopic identification of cerebellar nucleocortical mossy terminales in the rat. Exp. Brain Res. 44:97–100.
119. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1981) Principles of neural organization. In J. Szentágothai, M. Palkovits and J. Hámori (eds): Adv. Physiol. Sci. Vol. 1. Regulatory Functions of the CNS. Principles of Motions and Organization. Bp., Pergamon Press–Akadémiai Kiadó, pp. 1–16.
120. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1981) Concluding remarks: Organization in the CNS. In J. Szentágothai, J. Hámori and M. Palkovits (eds): Adv. Physiol. Sci. Vol. 2. Regulatory Functions of the CNS Subsystems. Budapest, Pergamon Press–Akadémiai Kiadó, pp. 83–89.
121. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1981) Anatomie der Schmerzleitung und – verarbeitung. – Der Geburtsschmerz und seine Beeinflussung – Alternativen zu pharmakologischen Methoden. Wissensch. Inf. 7, 3:7–20.
122. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1981) Visual cortex circuitry: Revisited. Freiburger Universitätsblätter. 74:47–49.
123. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1982) Too „much” and too „sonn”. A lifetime of inquiry into the functional organization of the nervous system. Acta Biol. Acad. Sci. Hung. 33:107–126.
124. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1983) The modular architectonic principle of neural centers. Rev. Physiol. Pharmacol. 98:11–61.
125. SOMOGYI, P., A. COWEY, Z. F. KISVÁRDAY, T. F. FREUND AND J. SZENTÁGOTHAI (1983) Retrograde transport of γ-amino [3H] butyric acid reveals specific interlaminar connections in the striate cortex of monkey. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 80:2385–2389.
126. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1984) Downward causation? Ann. Rev. Neurosci. 7:1–11.
127. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1984) Neocortical neuron circuit models reconsidered in the light of the new techniques. Exp. Brain Res. 9(Suppl.):347–358.
128. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1985) The neuronal architectonic principle of the neocortex. Ann. Acad. Brasil Sci. 57:249–259.
129. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1985) Theorien zur Organization und Funktion des Gehirns. Naturwissenschaften 72:303–309.
130. CREUTZFELDT, O. D., J. C. ECCLES and J. SZENTÁGOTHAI (1987) The brain-mind relationship. In B. Gulyás (ed): The Brain-Mind Problem. Leuven, Leuven University Press pp. 63–115.
131. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1987) The „Brain-mind” Relation: A Pseudo-problem? In C. Blakemore, and S. Greenfield (eds): Mindwaves: Thoughts on Intelligence, Identity and Consciousness. Oxford, Basil Blackwell Ltd. pp. 323–336.
132. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1987) The architecture of neural centres and understanding neural organization. In H. McLennan, J. R. Ledsome, C. H. S. McIntosh and D. R. Jones (eds): Advances in Physiological Research. New York and London, Plenum Press, pp. 111–131.
133. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1987) Whither neuroendocrinology? Bulletin T. 96 de l’Académie Serbe des Sciences et des Arts No. 29:5–15.
134. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. and P. ÉRDI (1989) Self-organization in the nervous system. J. Soc. Biol. Struct. 12:367–384.
135. SZENTÁGOTHAI, J. (1989) Future perspective of research in neocortical architecture. Exp. Brain Res. 21(Suppl.):79–96.
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