The Token of Our Welfare

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The Token of Our Welfare
It is understood that the interest, and indeed the responsibility, of every Hungarian research institution and researcher is that the participation in the above programs produce appropriate profit - be it directly or indirectly - for Hungary. The 1999 grant balance of Hungarian researchers is excellent; support amounted to HUF 3.5 billion. However, it remains to be seen how much the Hungarian R&D entities will be able to win with respect to the cca. HUF 6 billion that will be contributed by us in 2002. In addition to the Frame Program, Hungary participates in a number of other international programs. The contributions required in relation to these programs range from a few million forints to HUF 800 million, and actually go to several ministries. Their total cost for 2001 can be estimated at roughly around HUF 1.4 billion. 2001 will be the first year when these financial contributions will be separately shown in the budget of the Ministry of Education. Due to all these measures, we have all our hopes to trust that the results provided by R&D will contribute to increasing the competitiveness of Hungarian economy, and will improve the quality of life of Hungarian people through the creation and introduction of new products and services. It is my strong conviction that the money invested in research and development constitute the token of Hungarian welfare in the future. Although I would really refrain from comparing these developments to the historical deed of István Széchenyi, but nevertheless it fills me with great joy that these developments happen to coincide with the 175th anniversary of the foundation of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Even though the impact of the actions may differ, the intention - to serve the aggrandizement of the Hungarian nation - is certainly the same.
József Pálinkás
Undersecretary, Ministry of Education
Source: Magyar Nemzet, 2000.



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