2. Cooperation Between Hungary and the European Union in the Areas of Internal Affairs and Justice

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2. Cooperation Between Hungary and the European Union in the Areas of Internal Affairs and Justice
Hungary is continuously preparing for participation in internal affairs and justice cooperation by means of various programs. In 1997, the Internal Affairs and Justice Working Group of the Committee for European Intergovernmental Integration completed the assessment of the EU’s acquis related to the area, and defined the tasks of domestic legislation and institutional development required for their adoption. The Internal Affairs and Justice Expert Group - in which specialists of the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Justice, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are collaborating - continues to monitor the changes taking place with the signing of the Amsterdam Convention, as well as the development of acquis communautaire.
Hungary’s preparations are being closely monitored by the European Union as well. In the course of a round of expert-level accession negotiations completed in March 1999, experts of the EU and Hungary reviewed the state of the country’s preparations in internal affairs and justice cooperation. The relevant chapter of the European Union’s acquis communautaire provides the European Commission a detailed and accurate picture of Hungary’s state of preparation.
Hungary has emphasized from the beginning of the accession process that it considers its participation in internal affairs and justice cooperation within the European Union as an issue of critical importance. Hungary is able to contribute greatly to the enhancement of European security by fulfilling the criteria for participation in internal affairs and justice cooperation, which also coincides with Hungary’s security interests stemming from its geostrategic position. Hungary will be able to fulfil the requirements it is subject to regarding internal affairs and justice cooperation.
Even as part of the preparation process, Hungary is continuously adopting the legislation relevant to the area, and is joining the treaties that are open to associated countries as well. It has lifted the geographic restrictions added to the Geneva Refugee Convention, it is gradually adapting its visa policy in accordance with the European Union’s common visa policy, and it is collaborating with EUROPOL.
During the time remaining until accession - in addition to further legal harmonization and considering the relevant provisions of the Amsterdam Convention - emphasis should be laid on setting up an up-to-date institutional background, which facilitates the effective use of accomplishments made in the course of cooperation.



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