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C. A. Macartney’s monumental October Fifteenth (2 vols., Edinburgh, 1957; 2nd ed. 1961) is the classic history of the inter-war period, using ample primary sources. Shorter surveys, István Deák: ‘Hungary’ in H. Roger and E. Weber eds., The European Right (U. of California Press, 1965) is concise and clear, and the same is true of J. Erős’s ‘Hungary’ in S. J. Woolf ed. European Fascism (N.Y., 1968).
On Szekfű, I. Z. Dénes’s A ‘realitás’ illuziója: a historikus Szekfű Gyula pályafordulója (1976) is based on original research, yet is not always convincing.
S. B. Várdy: Hungarian Historiography and the Geistesgeschichte School (Cleveland, Ohio, 1974) is a very short survey. Many of Kerényi’s works are translated into English. The most significant are: Archetypal Images in Greek Religion (Bollingen series, N.Y., 1959). Also The Gods of the Greeks (N.Y., 1951), The Heroes of the Greeks (1959); both works are available in paperback. His correspondence with Thomas Mann in German only: Gespräch in Briefen Zürich, 1960).
On Eötvös College and János Horváth cf. Gyula Farkas: A magyar szellem felszabadulása (1943). Horváth’s most important theoretical works were published recently in A magyar irodalom fejlődéstörténete (1976, 2nd ed. 1981). For his other studies referred to in the text, cf. Tanulmányok (1956).
Gyula Farkas is ignored by recent scholarship.
The literature on the authors discussed in this chapter is meagre; there are reviews and a few introductions only.
In English there are essays by J. Reményi on Zsolt Harsányi, László Mécs, and Lajos Zilahy in Hungarian Writers and Literature (Rutgers U. P., 1964) and also by H. Baerlein: ‘Mária de Szabó’ (Bookman, 1928).



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