Paget, John. Hungary and Transylvania; with remarks on their condition, social, political, and economical. With numerous illustra…

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Paget, John. Hungary and Transylvania; with remarks on their condition, social, political, and economical. With numerous illustrations from sketches by Mr. Hering. 2 vols. (n. 8-r. XXII, 483 l., Széchenyi arck. és 1 térkép; XII és 631 l.) London, 1839. John Murray. A. E. M.
Vol. I. Presburg. - The diet of 1835. - Valley of the Wang. - The constitution of the hungarian chambers. - Danube from Presburg to Pest. - Count Széchenyi István. - Buda-Pest. - Füred and the Balaton. - Country life and pleasantry. - Schemnitz and the mines of Hungary. - The hungarian nobles. - The northern Carpathians.
Vol. II. The puszta. - Municipalities and taxation. - Danube from Pest to Moldova. - Danube from Moldova to Orsova. - Banat. - The valley of Hátszeg. - Route to Klausenbourg. - Transylvania: History and politics. - North of Transylvania. - The salt mines and gold mines. - The Szeklers and the Szekler-land. - The Saxons and the Saxon-land. - Klausenburg in winter. - Winter journey across the puszta. - The carnival in Pest. - From Pest to Fiume.
Horovitz 1876. 3 frt 50 kr.



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