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1000-1301 The age of the House of Árpád.
25 Dec. 1000 or 1 1001 Prince István (Stephen) admits the Christian faith and crowns himself king (rules until 1038).
0.1000 First coins minted in Hungary issued by István; publication of his first statute book.
1003 Gyula, ruler in Transylvania, defeated by István.
1018 Bulgarian Czar Samuel defeated by István in alliance with Byzantium. At this time Hungary borders Byzantium.
1030 Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire Konrad II Paunches attack on Hungary but is repulsed. (Saint) Gellért of Venice ordained.
1030-1038 Publication of István’s second statute book.
After 1031 Vazul blinded on orders of István.
15 Aug.1038 Death of Saint István. Péter Orseolo of Venice, István’s cousin, takes the throne (until 1041, and then again from 1044-1048).
1041 Péter deposed, and Samuel Aba, István’s second cousin, elected king (until 1044). 1042-1043 Country raided twice by Henry III of the Holy Roman Empire.
1044 Execution of 50 revolting aristocrats ordered by Samuel Aba; re-crowned king. Henry III again marches into the country; Samuel Aba murdered. Throne taken by Péter.
Prior to 1046 (Saint) ‘Deliberatio’, the first theological work in Hungary, written by Gellért, bishop of Csanád.
1046 Revolt against Péter. The rebels murder Bishop Gellért and crown Vazul’s son András (until 1060).
1052 Henry III’s fleet sunk at Pozsony by Zotmund.
1055 Benedictine monastery at Tihany established by András I. The founding letter contains the first coherent Hungarian-language text.
1060 András I defeated by the army of his younger brother Béla I who is crowned king (until 1063).
1063 Following death of Béla I, Salamon, the son of András I, enthroned (until 1074).
1066-1067 First history of the nation (Gesta) prepared by an unknown author.
1074 Salamon’s army defeated by the sons of Béla I Géza and László. Géza crowned king (until 1077).
25 Apr. 1077 Death of Géza I. Suceeded by his younger brother, (Saint) Lászlo I (until 1095). 1083 Birth of the István and Gellért legends.
20 Aug. 1083 István I declared a saint.
29 July 1095 Death of László. Géza’s son, Kálmán (Colomon Beauclerc), crowned king (until 1116).
1100 First laws proclaimed by Kálmán.
1100-1150 Codex Albensis: the oldest Hungarian music notation manuscript with the first locally published Latin verse.
1102 Kálmán crowned King of Croatia; later Dalmatia falls under his rule too.
1116 Death of Kálmán. Succeeded by his son István II (until 1131).
1131 After the death of István II he is followed by Béla II (the Blind) (until 1141).
1141 Géza Il, the son of Béla the Blind, crowned king (until 1162).
1162 After the death of Géza ll, István Ill crowned king (until 1172). However, Byzantium emperor Manuel I instructs László II – Géza II’s older brother – to be crowned king, and so until the latter’s death in 1163 the two rule.
1172 Béla III crowned king (until 1196).
20 Aug. 1185 St. István’s Day in Székesfehérvár. This is the first trace of the Day of Law.
1190 Royal palace constructed at Esztergom.
1192-1195 Compilation of the Pray codex; containing the “funeral oration”.
1196 Béla followed by his son King Imre (until 1204).
C. 1200 At the time of King Béla III’s rule Hungary’s population was about 2 million. Construction of the castle at Esztergom completed; work starts on the cathedral at Gyulafehérvár. 1204 Following the death of Imre, his younger son László III is crowned king but instead of the juvenile sovereign Prince András governs. Then, after the death of the child in 1205, he takes the throne under the name András II.
C. 1210 Anonymous: Gesta Hungarorum.
1213 Repeated attacks launched against Halics by András Il. Queen Gertrude murdered by bailiff Péter and Simon – son in law of Palatine Bánk. 1217-1218 Crusade to the Holy Land launched by András II.
C. 1221 Gothic style extends into Hungary.
Prior 29 May 1222 Publication by András Il of his “constitution”; the Golden Bull (renewed in 1231 ).
1232 Diploma of the “Servants” of Zala, the first step towards the county of nobles.
1235-1236 Journey undertaken by Friar Julianus to the ancient Hungarian homeland.
1235-1270 Rule of Béla IV.
1239 Cumans settled by Béla lV.
1241 Tatar invasion: At the battle of Muhi (11 Apr.) Batu Khan defeats the Hungarian main army and Béla IV flees the country.
March 1242 Tatars depart, leaving more than half of the settlements in the Great Plain ruined.
1247 Building of Buda castle and the settlement of Buda.
C. 1260 Completion of the Church of Our Lady (later the Matthias Church) for German citizens of Buda.
1270-1272 Rule of István V.
1272-1290 Rule of László IV (Cuman).
1275-1285 Chronicle of Simon Kézai completed.
1292-1301 Rule of András III and the collapse of central power.
C. 1300 The Lament of Our Lady: the origin of the first surviving Hungarian poem.
1301 With the death of András III, the male line of the House of Árpád dies out. Czech crown prince Vencel crowned Hungarian king (steps down in 1305). Károly Róbert (Anjou) crowned.
1308-1342 Rule of Károly Róbert.
C.1320 Emergence of lay intellectuals.
1330 Execution of Felician Zách.
Oct. 1335 Visegrád congress. Hungarian, Polish and Czech alliance against Vienna.
1336 Introduction of the golden forint with a stable value.
1342-1382 Rule of Lajos (Great) I.
1347-1350 Conquering series of campaigns by Lajos I against the kingdom of Naples.
1351 Introduction of the “ninth”.
From 1358 Pictorial chronicle by Mark Kálti.
C. 1360 Emergence in Hungary of Humanists belonging to Petrach’s circle.
1385-1366 Bulgarian Vidin conquered by Lajos I.
1367 Foundation of the college of Pécs.
1370 Lajos I crowned king of Poland.
1373 Creation by the Kolozsvári brothers of the St. George statue.
1374 The Chronicle of Várad.
1382-1387 Rule of Queen Mária.
1387-1437 Rule of Zsigmond.
1390 János Küküllei’s Chronicle: creation by the Kolozsvári brothers of László’s equestrian statue.
1396 Battle of Nikápoly; Zsigmond defeated by the Turks.
C. 1400 Completion of the Buda Dominican church. Construction of the cathedral of Kassa starts. Emergence of the Toldi legend.
1402 Treaty on succession with the Habsburgs concluded by Zsigmond.
1404 0n the order of Zsigmond, no-one may receive church benefices without his contribution; proclamation of papal documents banned without his permission (Placetum regium).
20 Sept. 1410 Zsigmond elected king of Germany.
1418 Appearance in Hungary of the Inquisition persecuting the Hussites.
1437-1439 Rule of Albert of the House of Habsburgs.
1439 Turks occupy Serbia.
1440 Warfare between the Habsburgs and the Jagello party.
1440-1444 Rule of Ulászló I.
Oct. 1443-Jan. 1444 Hunyadi’s so-called long battle.
10 Nov. 1444 Defeat at the battle of Várna. Death of Ulászló I.
1446 János Hunyadi declared govenor.
1452-1457 Rule of László V.
22 July 1456 Victory at Nándorfehérvár followed by the death of János Hunyadi (11 Aug).
1458-1490 Rule of Mátyás Hunyadi.
1463 Siege and capture of Jajca.
1468 Mátyás’s conquering battle against Bohemia.
C. 1470 Copying and miniature painting workshop established at the court of Mátyás.
1472-1477 Buda-based printing shop of András Hess.
1473 Buda Chronicle printed.
C. 1480 King Mátyás’s permanent mercenary army numbers between 8-10,000.
1485 Siege and occupation of Vienna; oath of fidelity to Mátyás.
1486 Legal code: the first experiment in the codification of feudal law setting down the leading position of the nobility in the county.
1488 János Turóczi: Chronicle. The Corvina collection numbers 500 volumes.
1480-1490 Pelbárt Temesvári’s activities. C.1490 Completion by Antonio Bonfini of his historical oeuvre (Rerum Ungaricarum Decades).
6 Apr. 1490 Death of Mátyás in Vienna.
Sept. 1490 Coronation of King Ulászló (until 1516).
1497 Tamás Bakócz, archbishop of Esztergom.
1505 National assembly at Rákos: resolution brought against kings of foreign origin.
1507 Construction of the Bakócz chapel in Esztergom.
1508 Coronation of King Lajos II.
May-July 1514 Peasant uprising led by György Dózsa.
1514 Tripartitum written by István Werbőczi.
1516-1526 Rule of King Lajos ll
1528 Loss of the battle of Mohács. Death of Lajos II (29 August). Coronation of János Szapolyai at Székesfehérvár (until 1540). Ferdinand elected king at Pozsony (until 1554).
1527 Peasant revolt by Jován Cserni.
1538 Peace of Várad between Ferdinand and János.
July 1540 Death of János Szapolyai followed by the election of János Zsigmond as king.
29 Aug. 1541 Buda falls into Turkish hands; country torn into three parts.
1541 János Sylvester: publication of the New Testatment in Hungarian.
1542 Friar György awarded governorship in Transylvania, supported by a 12-member council.
1551 Szászsebes Concord: widow of Szapolyai, Izabella, and Zsigmond János renounce the throne and Transylvania. Castaldo orders the death of Friar György.
1552 Occupation of Veszprém, Drégely and Temesvár by the Turks. However, the siege of Eger is in vain – istván Dobó’s victory.
1554 Sebestyén Tinódi Lantos: Chronica.
1564 Death of Ferdinand I. Succeeded by Miksa I (until 1576).
1566 Zrinyi’s sally, the fall of Szigetvár.
1571 Death of Zsigmond János. Election of István Báthory as voivod of Transylvania. Crown prince: 1576-1586.
1572 Bálint Balassi: publication of ‘A grassy little garden for sick souls’.
1575 Gáspár Heltai: ‘Chronica about the matters of the Hungarians’. Death of Miksa. Succeeded by Rudolf II (until 1608).
1579-1581 War waged by István Báthory in Russia.
1590 Gáspár Károly: Vizsoly Bible.
1593 Inception of the 15-year war against the Turks.
1606 Peace at Zsitvatorok with the Turks. Death of Bocskai.
1607 Zsigmond Rákóczi, crown prince of Transylvania.
1608 Gábor Báthory, crown prince of Transylvania (until 1613). King Rudolf renounces Hungary, Austria and Moravia. Election of Mátyás II as king of Hungary (until 1619).
1613 Gábor Bethlen, crown prince -of Transylvania (until 1629).
1616-1637 Péter Pázmány, archbishop of Esztergom.
1619 Death of Matthias ll. Succeeded by Ferdinand II (until 1637). Gábor Bethlen turns his armies against the Habsburgs; occupation of Kassa and Pozsony.
25 Aug. 1620 Gábor Bethlen elected king of Hungary.
15 Nov. 1629 Death of Bethlen.
1630 György Rákóczi I elected crown prince of Transylvania.
1635 College of Nagyszombat, the direct predecessor of the local university. established by Pázmány.
1637 Death of Ferdinand II, succeeded by Ferdinand I I I (until 1657).
1645 Miklós Zrinyi: Siege of Sziget.
1648 Death of György Rákóczi I, followed by György Rákóczi II, crown prince of Transylvania (until 1660).
1672 Attacks launched against insurrectio-nists.
27 March 1678 Birth of Ferenc Rákóczi Il.
1678 Imre Thököly elected leader of the fugitives. Until 1682, the emergence of the Kuruts principality of upper Hungary (13 counties).
1686 Buda recaptured from the Turks.
1688 After a 3 year resistance, Illona Zrinyi surrenders Munkács. In total 16 Jesuit secondary schools operated in Hungary.
1689-1702 Miklós Misztóthfalusi Kis in Transylvania.
1697 The revolt of the Foothill Kuruts.
1699 Peace at Karlócza with the Turks.
21 May 1703 Revolt at Tiszahát, and the beginning of the Rákóczi freedom struggle.
1705 The national assembly of Szécsény: an independent Hungarian state organization, a feudal confederation, senate, economic council, and law against the Jesuits.
1706 The national assembly of Ónod: proclamation of independence and the dethronement of the Habsburgs.
1711 Death of József. Succeeded by Károly III (as Emperor VI) (until 1740).
30 Apr. 1711 Peace of Szatmár; Kuruts lay down arms in the field of Majtény the next day.
1712-1758 Letters of Kelemen Mikes.
1723 The Hungarian Pragmatica Sanctio (inheritance on the female line).
8 Apr. 1735 Death of Rákóczi at Rodostó. Revolt of peasants from Békés county and Serbian border guards (Péro) from the Maros region.
1740 Death of Károly III, succeeded by Maria Theresa (until 1780).
1745 National assembly of Pozsony: the feudal ranks promise assistance to Maria Theresa. Guaranteeing of tax exemptions on noblemen’s land.
1750 Construction starts on the Grassalkovich mansion at Gödöllő.



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