Guarding the Border

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Guarding the Border
Until its accession with the EU, Hungary continues to modernize its border points in compliance with the EU’s requirements. The goal of modernization was also confirmed by Government Resolution No. 2087/2000 (V.5) on “The Tasks and Measures Relating to the Guarding of Hungarian Borders, Controlling Border Traffic and Developing Border Points in Connection with the Country’s Accession with the European Union”.
In consideration of the dates when Hungary and its neighbors may join the EU, the following three categories should be taken into account in developing border points:
• External borders (i.e., borders with the Ukraine, Romania, Yugoslavia, and Croatia in the long term),
• Internal borders (i.e., the border with Austria),
• Prospective internal borders (i.e., borders with Slovakia and Slovenia in the short term).
On the Ukrainian, Romanian, Croatian, and Yugoslavian sections of the border that will definitely function as external borders once Hungary joins the EU, altogether 23 border points can be found today for road traffic, 11 for railway traffic and one for water traffic. The total staff of professional customs officers serving at those border points numbers 938 people.
Three ‘beam gates’ have been installed along the border section indicated (one at Záhony road, another one at Záhony railway and the third one Ártánd road). In addition, 16 drug-sniffing dogs (One at Záhony road and railway, one at Tiszabecs road, three at Ártánd road, three at Gyula road, three at Nagylak road, one at Röszke road, two at Tompa road, one at Letenye road, and one at Murakeresztúr) assist the efficient work of the customs offices. It is Hungary’s intent to enhance control at its external borders, create a suitable information system (SIS), and ensure that risk analysis strategies are employed.
In order to carry out control activities near internal borders, mobile groups will have to be set up that are able to engage in combat against crime even by means of surveillance over the border, or by pursuit on a hot trail. The groups’ human resource requirements can be met from the staff freed upon the abolishment of the internal borders.
In developing the border traffic control at border points, the following aspects should be considered:
• Border points should be established at the intersections of international main routes and the borderline;
• The volume of the traffic at the existing border points, the number of temporary openings, and the traffic crossing on these occasions at new border points, or, if they are permanently open, their expected annual traffic;
• The need to open for goods traffic, in addition to passenger traffic;
• To open border points that can be established from low budgetary expenditure.



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