PHARE Programs

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PHARE Programs
According to the Council’s Regulation No. 3906/89 adopted on 18 December 1989, Hungary as a beneficiary country meets the requirements of participating in the Community’s PHARE program. It is the date from which the PHARE program can be regarded as having started.
Actual payments of financial support from the Community’s budget began pursuant to the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding on Financial Support, signed by the Commission and the government of the Republic of Hungary in September 1990.
In line with the Community’s documents entitled “The Commission’s Opinion about Hungary”, the “Accession partnership” and the “National Program for the Adoption of Acquis”, as well as with the memorandum of the 3rd Pan-European Transportation Conference, developing the transit routes for transportation in Europe and establishing EU conforming border points at the EU’s external borders should be treated as high priorities.
In consideration of the above-mentioned documents, the European Union grants PHARE support for highway junction points, designed to serve for international passenger and cargo traffic along Europe’s new transit routes via Hungary, i.e., the new M5 and M7 highway routes that are being implemented at the border points at Röszke and Letenye in accordance with EU’s requirements.
In the framework of National Program HU98.05.02 under cooperation in internal and judicial affairs, the border points at Röszke and Letenye are undergoing modernization.



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Arcanum Adatbázis Kiadó, popredný poskytovateľ obsahu v Maďarsku, začal svoju činnosť 1. januára 1989. Spoločnosť sa zaoberá hromadnou digitalizáciou kultúrneho obsahu, jeho triedením do databáz a publikovaním.

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Noviny Arcanum

Noviny Arcanum
Zaujíma Vás, čo o tejto téme písali noviny za posledných 250 rokov?
