Cooperation in Internal and Judicial Affairs Fighting Against Organized Crime

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Cooperation in Internal and Judicial Affairs
Fighting Against Organized Crime
The International Criminal Cooperation Center (Hungarian abbreviation: NEBEK) organized at an international level is an outstanding example of the fight against organized crime.
The Customs and Finance Guard’s National Headquarters has appointed the NEBEK liaison officer in Hungary who started working at the Budapest headquarters of the International Criminal Cooperation Center operated under the National Police Headquarters’ supervision, on 1 July 2000. In response to international inquiries, NEBEK will, pursuant to the provisions of the international agreement, forward the data it has obtained via its liaison officer delegated abroad to the inquiring law enforcement agency.
Further tasks to be realized by 31 July 2002, will be to take additional measures against organized crime and set up a working group within the organization for radio communication purposes. The radio communication group’s planned composition is the following:
• Department of Special Affairs, Customs and Finance Guard,
• Investigation and Offences Department, Customs and Finance Guard,
• Integration Office, Customs and Finance Guard,
As an important element of fighting against organized crime, risk analysis is to be developed in Hungary, which will provide significant assistance in combating organized crime. The development of risk analysis systems is in progress now at the Customs and Finance Guard’s Customs Directorate and at special areas. Our employees engaged in risk analysis have developed the way of processing the data of detected crime, through processing daily reports and creating a database of the data gained therefrom. By entering the data into the database, details about the modi operandi noticed and offenders could also be input, which has made the data of customs clearances showing strange similarities suitable for analysis. With respect to risk analysis, arising tasks should be solved continuously at their origin.
As far as risk analysis is concerned, study tours will need to be organized abroad and guest lecturers invited in order to make the Customs and Finance Guard’s staff familiar with and widely train them in the methods proven and applied in the European Union so that such methods are put in practice as soon as possible.



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