Legal Approximation Relating to the Excise Area

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Legal Approximation Relating to the Excise Area
Previously phrased as an EU requirement, the classification of wine as a product subject to excise has been a significant progress in the excise area. The Excise Act was amended with the entry into force of Act XCIX of 1999, which subjected wine to excise as of 1 August 2000. Further approximation is required in terms of tax levels in the excise area. Hungary now establishes much lower levels of excise taxes than the European Union. The difference is particularly significant with respect to tobacco products.



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Arcanum Adatbázis Kiadó, popredný poskytovateľ obsahu v Maďarsku, začal svoju činnosť 1. januára 1989. Spoločnosť sa zaoberá hromadnou digitalizáciou kultúrneho obsahu, jeho triedením do databáz a publikovaním.

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Noviny Arcanum

Noviny Arcanum
Zaujíma Vás, čo o tejto téme písali noviny za posledných 250 rokov?
